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Big Cinema, Small Cinema #69: Playing and Learning

Film still from AUFSÄTZE: A teacher and a pupil are sitting in a school desk, she is writing something, he is watching.

Sun 14.04.

When do we play? When do we learn? What sort of learning is significant for our lives and who are our best teachers? This is a question filmmakers have explored from the very beginning. In BRINCANDO COM O SOL (Brazil 2004), Celeste Vargas watches with the camera how children make use of a physical phenomenon as they play. Steffen Ramlow is also interested in how a group of children in Ramallah play in HOSCH-COURTYARD (Germany 2006) and frames their actions with a film commentary. In his film AUFSÄTZE (Switzerland 1963), Peter Nestler has the children at a Swiss village school describe their everyday lives themselves, while Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz observe in KIRILL LERNT (Germany 2023) how an adolescent keeps close contact with his father despite the war in Ukraine and learns his trade. Afterwards, we will think about what learning means for us in an ad-hoc film experiment. (Anna Faroqhi)
For everyone aged 8 and above

Hosch-Courtyard Steffen Ramlow Germany 2007 Digital file without dialogue 4 Min.
Brincando Com O Sol Spiel mit der Sonne Celeste Vargas
Brazil 2004 Digital file without dialogue 4 Min.
Aufsätze Peter Nestler Schweiz 1963 35 mm 10 Min.
Kirill lernt Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz Germany 2023 Digital file 12 Min.

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  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund